RF Elements TP-ADAP-IS | TwistPort Adaptor | dedicated for Ubiquiti IsoStation


RF Elements TP-ADAP-IS | TwistPort Adaptor | dedicated for Ubiquiti IsoStation

19,96 GBP without VAT (net)
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Compatible with brand: Ubiquiti
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About product

TwistPort adapter

The TwistPort adapter allows you to connect third party devices to RF Elements. RF Elements. Radio integration is seamless and requires no tools. The TwistPort adapter makes the PrismStation 5AC, IsoStation 5AC or IsoStation M5 radios compatible with all TwistPort. antennas. The device has a original quick-locking mechanism..



Compatibility with other manufacturers' devices allows you to connect the radio with any TwistPort antenna. The TwistPort adapter provides excellent performance, noise immunity and network scalability. Connecting and disconnecting IsoStation radio from the TwistPort adapter is very simple and requires no tools.


Features / filters
Compatible with brand Ubiquiti

Antenna connection Quickly blocking waveguide port
Radio connection Waveguide
Materials Insert - aluminium alloy
Adaptor - UV and weather-resistant ABS plastic
Resistance to temperature From -40°C to 60°C
Wind resistance 160 km/h
Frequency range 5180 - 6400 MHz
Polarisation Double, linear H + V
Compatibility of antennas Any TwistPort Compatible Antenna
Radio compatibility Ubiquiti: PrismStation 5AC, IsoStation 5AC, IsoStation M5


Simple installation


What is a quick-locking mechanism?

The quick-locking mechanism is a quick-locking waveguide port.

19,96 GBP without VAT (net)
Out of stock
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