RF Elements TP-ADAP-E2K | TwistPort Adaptor | dedicated for Cambium EPMP


RF Elements TP-ADAP-E2K | TwistPort Adaptor | dedicated for Cambium EPMP

40,84 GBP without VAT (net)
Compatible with brand: Cambium
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About product

TwistPort adapter for ePMP 2000

TwistPort adapter is designed for ePMP 2000 AP and makes this series compatible with all TwistPort antennas. The adapter has an original quick-locking mechanism. Connecting and disconnecting ePMP 2000 AP to the TwistPort adapter is very easy and requires no tools.


Features / filters
Compatible with brand Cambium

Technical data

Antenna connection TwistPort - fast blocking waveguide port
Radio connection 2 x RP-SMA extension
Materials Insert - aluminium alloy
Adaptor - UV and weather-resistant ABS plastic
Operating temperature from -40°C to 60°C
Wind resistance 160 km/h
Weight Single unit - 0,42 kg
Single unit per package - 0,52 kg
Carton (20 pieces) - 11.5 kg
Dimensions The retail box: 10,9 × 9,8 × 5,4 cm

Carton (20 pieces): 36.1 x 60.9 x 32.5 cm


What is a quick-locking mechanism?

The quick-locking mechanism is a quick-locking waveguide port.

40,84 GBP without VAT (net)
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