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Roidmi Eva | Vacuum cleaner | 3200 Pa, 5200 mAh, docking station with tanks
Product code: ROIDMI EVA
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Xiaomi ROIDMI Vacuum Cleaners

The ROIDMI brand makes smart vacuum cleaners that come with features that make these devices some of the best on the market. A docking station with a reservoir makes throwing away the collected garbage infrequent, the vacuum cleaner's independent journey to the station to recharge and continue working from where it left off are just some of the features that are appreciated by users. In our online store you can buy various Xiaomi RODIMI vacuum cleaners in different price variants and types. See our offer and choose the one that suits you best.

ROIDMI Upright Vacuum Cleaners

Cordless upright vacuums are a convenient solution, but no brand offers what ROIDMI upright vacuums do. They filter the air, removing microparticles from it. A ROIDMI upright vacuum cleaner works just as well as an air purifier, as the air after using it is 99% free of contaminants. ROIDMI upright vacuum cleaners have a robust construction, look great and do not take up much space. Their great advantage is that they are lightweight, so you can easily carry this device wherever you want. What's more, you don't have to plug them in - they can run for up to 55 minutes on a single charge, so you can easily clean everything in your home in that time. ROIDMI upright vacuum cleaners can be folded in different ways and used to clean your car and the smallest of spaces. See all their features!

ROIDMI upright vacuum cleaner - choose the model that suits you

Upright, intelligent, mop function? Which ROIDMI vacuum cleaner will ease your workload the most? In our online store you can choose the model that best fits your lifestyle. Each one has an amazing design, but also stands out for its many features. Visit our store and order your cleaning assistant from us!

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