Device tests

Technologies do not stand still and are constantly evolving. Recently, the packaging of new LTE/5G routers often mentions band aggregation. Is this a marketing gimmick or actually an essential feature? Today we will analyze this and test it using the example of an industrial router that can also be used at home - Teltonika RUT 260.
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schedule Added date: 10-08-2024
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
More and more often on the Internet we see photos or videos of celebrities leaked from private archives, but we pay little attention to the safe storage of our private information. How to protect yourself from such problems? In our review you will learn about the Totolink AirMemo N1 network drive, which is a reliable and convenient solution for storing and sharing files.
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schedule Added date: 06-07-2024
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
A reliable and trouble-free local network means peace of mind and the entire nervous system of the system administrator. That's why every self-respecting systems engineer strives to install reliable routers and switches in his network. With this in mind, our Extralink brand has developed low-cost, reliable, easy to configure and manage Layer 3 switches - Nemezis/Nemezis Pro and Hypnos/Hypnos Pro.
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schedule Added date: 06-07-2024
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
Usually during the autumn and winter, we begin to notice that the car is difficult to start, and one day we may find that our beloved car will not start due to a dead battery. And as always, important meetings and trips may have been scheduled for that day.... However, we can offer you a solution to this problem - Extralink Jump MAX7!
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schedule Added date: 06-07-2024
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
Outdoor security cameras, like any other camera, require a power source. Traditionally, cameras are connected by wires to a suitable electrical power source. In contrast, new camera designs are now wireless, meaning they are powered by batteries. And the batteries, in turn, are charged by the sun....
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schedule Added date: 06-07-2024
Author: Leszek Błaszczyk
Undoubtedly, it's a very good time to think about changing our router, all thanks to the new Wi-Fi 6 standard. If your current router is more than three years old, and you care about both speed and security, the Wi-Fi 6 standard will give you that. Wi-Fi 6 router ranking! We invite you to read.
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schedule Added date: 06-07-2024
It is not only the dream of the average housewife to clean her room quickly, easily and effortlessly - it is also the dream of every one of us. New technologies and new cleaning devices help us in such tasks, of course. So today we will test the Dreame Cordless Vacuum Cleaner XR and see if it really makes cleaning easier and more efficient.
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schedule Added date: 04-15-2022
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
We looked at whether your home WiFi system provides non-stop Internet.
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schedule Added date: 04-11-2022
Author: Monika Bienias-Łocheńska
The selection of upright vacuum cleaners in recent times is staggering. When we open online stores, our eyes wander in search of an upright vacuum cleaner for our home.... But we want the best quality vacuum cleaner, one that will last a long time and make us happy. Today, we are going to test one of the market leaders in handheld vacuum cleaners - XClea Vaccum Cleaner P10. Let's see what features it offers.
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schedule Added date: 04-11-2022
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
Let's see if the DECO M4 WiFi home system actually works.
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schedule Added date: 02-17-2022
Author: Monika Bienias-Łocheńska

Network devices tests

Do you want to decide on the best network devices for your business or home? Don't want to buy a router without being sure that it will meet your requirements? You don't have to buy a cat in a bag and after some time wonder if another device wouldn't be better. Batna24 team cares about its customers. We want every person who makes a purchase from us to be aware of the possibilities of specific devices. This allows us to meet the expectations of each customer, regardless of their expectations. That is why we regularly conduct tests of network devices. We check in practice the operation of products from various brands and compare them. We do not hide the disadvantages and do not expose the advantages. We test each device exactly as it would be done by an average user. However, equipped with knowledge, we know what to verify. Are you thinking about buying a new router? Or maybe you are a person who is interested in technology? Batna24 network device tests will equip you with a lot of knowledge about our products. Check here once in a while, we constantly test and check to provide you with the most important information about the most famous and recommended network products.

Wifi routers tests

Our wifi routers tests cover a wide range of wifi router features that are important to users. We examine range, throughput, use of plug & play facilities, supported standards, achieved speeds, smooth operation. We also evaluate the design and ease of access to ports, and the durability of the device. These are just some of the features we evaluate as we sift through our wifi router tests. Take a look at a few and see which router will work best for you!

Performance tests of routers

Router performance is one of the most important features of this device. Our router performance tests verify the router's operation under various conditions, including maximum load. The results of our tests will help you decide on a router at the right price - you won't overpay for features you won't use, and at the same time you will choose a device tailored to your expectations. Read our router performance tests and find out everything you need to know!

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