Wall mounted cabinets EXTRALINK - Rack capacity: 9U

[ 8 ]
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Extralink 9U 600x450 Black | Rackmount cabinet | wall mounted
Product code: EX.7249
Product code: EX.7249
  • Cabinet hight : 9U
  • Back door construction : Metal
  • Back door key lock : No
  • Built-in UPS : No
79,56 GBP with VAT 0%
Extralink 9U 600x600 Black | Rackmount cabinet | wall mounted
Product code: EX.3968
87,54 GBP with VAT 0%
Extralink 9U 600x450 Gray | Rackmount cabinet | wall mounted
Product code: EX.8574
Product code: EX.8574
  • Cabinet hight : 9U
  • Back door construction : Steel
  • Back door key lock : No
  • Built-in UPS : No
79,56 GBP with VAT 0%
Extralink 9U 600x600 AZH Gray | Rackmount cabinet | wall mounted, swing type
Product code: EX.12950
99,50 GBP with VAT 0%
Extralink 9U 600x600 AZH Black | Rackmount cabinet | wall mounted, swing type
Product code: EX.12943
103,49 GBP with VAT 0%
Extralink 9U 600x450 ASP Gray | Rackmount cabinet | wall mounted, metal door
Product code: EX.13018
83,55 GBP with VAT 0%
Extralink 9U 600x600 ASP Gray | Rackmount cabinet | wall mounted, metal door
Product code: EX.13025
93,52 GBP with VAT 0%
20 40 80 Products on page
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