
Hace un mes, se lanzó otra actualización de la aplicación de red UniFi 7.5.187 para corregir pequeñas deficiencias y facilitar el trabajo con la interfaz de la aplicación de red UniFi. Sin embargo, con esta actualización, Ubiquiti ha introducido una característica única que asegurará aún más su red, reducirá la carga de su hardware y hará que las redes inalámbricas sean más fáciles de usar: se trata de la función WiFi Private Pre-Shared Keys.
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schedule Added date: 06-07-2024
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
A month ago, another update to UniFi Network Application 7.5.187 was released to fix minor shortcomings and make the UniFi Network Application interface easier to work with. However, with this update, Ubiquiti has introduced one unique feature that will further secure your network, reduce the load on your hardware and make wireless networking easier - this is the WiFi Private Pre-Shared Keys feature.
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schedule Added date: 06-07-2024
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
We are used to having a trained person configure the local network, but Ubiquiti is trying to change that. With each update, Ubiquiti adds tools that the average user can understand, while making a huge difference in LAN management. Let's see if network management with the UniFi Network 7.0 update is feasible for the average user!
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schedule Added date: 06-07-2024
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
Technology does not stand still, and wireless data transmission standards that were invented not so long ago are gradually losing ground or receding into the background. For example, the technology of wireless data transmission using Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) technology is already being developed today. What this technology is and how it works, we will try to understand today.
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schedule Added date: 03-24-2022
When you leave the house, go to work or go for a walk, do you think about the safety of your belongings? Usually not... Only when something happens, something goes missing, someone damages your car or property. Imilab EC4 camera can be the solution.
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schedule Added date: 03-24-2022
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
As we read the news every day, we see a huge number of Covid-19 diseases, and we also hear from friends and acquaintances about acute respiratory infections and viruses. All this is not only alarming, but also forces us to protect ourselves from all these diseases by wearing masks and using disinfectants. We will share with you the secret on how to beat Covid-19 at home!
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schedule Added date: 02-21-2022
Author: Aliaksandr Roslikau
XIAOMI has launched Oclean sonic toothbrushes, combining high user comfort, quality craftsmanship and functionality. Experience the innovative Oclean toothbrushes that make cleaning your teeth a pleasure!
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schedule Added date: 11-16-2021
UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation) , a Taiwanese semiconductor company founded in 1980, has announced further price increases for the first quarter of next year. It is estimated that the price increase will be at the level of 10% ~ 15%, and this is a lot, given the current increases. Of course, it's not just prices that have become an issue.
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schedule Added date: 11-16-2021
Author: Leszek Błaszczyk
The use of wireless Internet is now a standard in most households. WiFi wireless technology is a convenient solution that provides a stable and strong signal. Dynamite Mesh is a modern system for Internet access at home.
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schedule Added date: 11-16-2021
Modern handheld vacuum Extralink - an exceptional novelty that appeared in the offer of our store. What distinguishes this unusual device? Read in our article!
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schedule Added date: 10-27-2021
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